

the Chief Justice of Pakistan

“The people through their elected representatives enacted the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in it set out the course for the country to take by setting out therein the Principles of Policy17 ('Principles'). These include enabling Muslim citizens to live their lives in accordance with Islam, and promoting Islamic moral standards. Depriving females of their inheritance prescribed by Shari'ah violates these Principles. Denying females their inheritance also undermines their economic independence, prevents a rise in their standard of living and concentrates wealth in male descendants, which offends another three Principles.”
(CJ Qazi Faez Isa in Ghulam Qasim v. Mst. Razia Begum, PLD 2021 SC 812).



Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah

"Right to dignity is the crown of fundamental rights under our Constitution and stands at the top, drawing its strength from all the fundamental rights under our Constitution and yet standing alone and tall, making human worth and humanness of a person a far more fundamental a right than the others, a right that is absolutely non-negotiable.”
(Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah in Atif Zareef v. The State, PLD 2021 SC 550)



Justice Ayesha A. Malik

“While the idea of promoting diversity within the justice sector is certainly important, the question arises as to whether appointing women – who make up nearly half of the country’s total population – should be considered an act of promoting diversity, or simply a means of ensuring fair representation.”
(Justice Ayesha A. Malik)



Justice Omar Sial

"It is hoped and expected that we as a society refrain from stereotyping and gender bias. It must not be lost sight that Pakistan is a signatory to the Convention Against Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and the State has accepted certain responsibilities under the Convention."
(Justice Omar Sial in Afzal Khan Vs the State)



Munaza Hasan Nasir

"Gender equality will help achieve a balance of power and control on the path of national progress."
(Munaza Hasan Nasir Bias in Textbooks (Dawn, December 7, 2024))



Justice Muhammad Aamir Nawaz Rana

"Considering the abhorring practice prevalent in society where womenfolk are deprived from their share in the name of traditions and customs, the plea of relinquishment of share by female members of the family is often result of subjugation and suppression."
(Justice Muhammad Aamir Nawaz Rana in Shahbaz Khan vs Muhammad Anwar & others 19.09.2022)



Justice Dr. Khurshid Iqbal

“A family Court is required to adopt a behavioral approach in the context of legal anthropology while resolving a family dispute with regard to psychological, social, and contextual explanations of human behaviour in matrimonial relationship.”
(Justice Dr. Khurshid Iqbal in Sumera etc Vs Arshad etc 06.03.2023)